Shabbat Services
Temple Shalom Shabbat services are joyous, welcoming, and participatory. Some highlight your children and showcase what they are learning each week in Religious school, and others touch on topics with an adult theme, yet are always still welcome to our kids.
Anyone is welcome to join our Shabbat services – come for dinner, wine, and lively conversation.
We hold Shabbat services one Friday a month. Our Shabbat schedule for 2020-2021 is as follows:
August 28- Shabbat on the Beach
October 9- Sukkot Shabbat
November 13- Gratitude Shabbat
December 11- Hanukkah Party Shabbat
January 15- Social Justice Shabbat
February 26- Purim Shabbat Party
March 26- TSSB PASSOVER SEDER (No Shabbat)
April 16- Israel Shabbat
May 14- 7th Grade Shabbat
June 11- End of Year Shabbat
Social gatherings
Temple Shalom strives to provide a place for gathering not only for our children but for our adult community.
Throughout the year we bring our adult community together to mingle and schmooze with a theme. These evenings are great for getting to know each other in another context. Additionally, we bring our families together through the year to enjoy each other's company!
Some of our Events Include: Havdalah in the Park, Jews and Brews, New Member Brunch, Fall & Winter Soirees, Annual BBQ Pool Party, and many more!