Morah Lauren is one of the best teachers I have ever had! She taught us about the Torah, but also would ask us, "What does this mean to YOU?" instead of just saying "This is what this means." She helped each and everyone of us with reading, writing, and figuring out our own religious beliefs. So thank you, Lauren, for being there!
Abigail Coe-Sullivan, 6th Grade
At Temple Shalom of the South Bay Religious School, our goal is simple: We want our students to acquire an appreciation for and pride in their Jewish heritage, creating a connection that will carry over into their adult lives. We hope to engage their sense of identity by capturing their imaginations.
Our classes are participatory, intriguing, and stimulating for our students, and we maintain a relaxed and positive atmosphere. Through multi-sensory and hands-on lessons, students truly experience their tradition. Interactive discussions and projects create a lively classroom experience in which each child has a platform to share her or his opinions and ask questions.
Pre-K/Kinder through third grade gain competency with prayers and rituals for all holidays. By 4th & 5th grades they recognize their role in continuing the traditions and can identify the values associated with each celebration. Hanukkah is about courage, Passover helping others to be free and Shavuot is a time to engage in ethical behavior. Sixth and Seventh grade examine the holidays in their historical context. They can compare the Maccabees to the rise of Hellenism. All students enjoy dramatic experiential experiences, like Exodus to the Beach and Israel Day!
Pre-K/Kinder through third grade analyze and recognize major characters and events in the Genesis narrative. Fourth grade will engage in the Exodus experience, finding underlying values and identifying with the theme of freedom in contemporary times. Fifth grade will explore the land of Israel in the book of Numbers and relate to the Spies, debating whether 40 years of punishment was justified for lack of faith! Sixth grades will distinguish between the three parts of the Jewish Bible and critically examine the role of the prophets Joshua, Deborah & Elijah.
Mitzvot: Being Personally Responsible for Making the World a Better Place
Beginning with Pre-K and Kindergarten, all students will practice ethical behavior and engage in moral decision making. They will act out scenarios, watch videos, read stories and invent alternate endings where they point out kinder and more compassionate behaviors. The younger grades practice “Derech Eretz” – not hurting others, “Shalom Bayit”, bringing peace to the home and taking care of the environment. The older grades have units on the danger of gossip, pursuing justice and welcoming the stranger.
Our Religious School Students…
Have a love of Judaism and pride in Jewish heritage
Contribute to the community (both within the Temple and through social action)
Achieve Hebrew and prayer literacy
Extend their knowledge of Jewish history
Gain familiarity with Jewish holidays and traditions
Foster an appreciation of and connection to klal Yisrael (all Jews) and the State of Israel
Prepare for their B’nai Mitzvot and become active citizens in the Jewish community.